WoTC Unveils Sheldon’s Spellbook Card Set for Secret Lair



September 2023 was a tragic month for the world of Magic: The Gathering. One of its most influential figures, Sheldon Menery, had finally gone to rest after years of battling cancer.

MTG announced immediately after the news of Menery’s death broke that they would develop a special Secret Lair set in memory of the MTG icon. Menery himself was a part of this development process before his passing.

Yesterday, Wizards of the Coast paid tribute to Menery on Twitch by unveiling the long-awaited Secret Lair “Sheldon’s Spellbook.” We had previously seen the artwork for this Secret Lair during MagicCon last year; now, we see the actual cards.

Take a look at the Sheldon’s Spellbook showcase during the livestream on the Commander Rules Committee Twitch Channel on Thursday.

One of the cards in this set is the special version of the InkShield, a card developed by Menery, which bears Sheldon’s likeness and one of his unforgettable quotes: “You did it to yourself.”

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Credit: Wizards of the Coast

Another card that was customized for this special Secret Lair is the Bene Supremo, which also contains a picture of Sheldon as a nod to his Italian heritage.

Menery also received a special edition Commander card, which makes him a playable Commander in the MTG format, of which he is considered the godfather.

Players interested in acquiring the special commemorative Secret Lair will be able to pre-order it beginning February 26 and until March 24. Half of this Secret Lair’s sales proceeds will be donated to the American Cancer Society. Regardless of the results, a minimum donation of $250,000 will be made by Wizards of the Coast.

MTG will release Sheldon’s Spellbook in foil and non-foil editions, priced at $49.99 and $39.99, respectively. If you want to learn more about Sheldon's Spellbook, follow us to our sister site, MTGRocks, where we do a deeper dive into the product.

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