Editorial Policy

Editorial Practices

Every article on Trading Card Games Rocks, whether it’s news, reviews, features, or sponsored content, undergoes a meticulous internal review and editing process before publication.

Our editorial team, composed of seasoned editors with a deep understanding of trading card games, ensures each piece is rigorously examined for factual accuracy, coherence, style, and overall quality. This often involves multiple revisions to refine the article's clarity and impact.

For news articles, additional fact-checking is paramount to our commitment to accuracy, verifying every claim or statement. Content that delves into sensitive areas undergoes a legal review to preempt issues of libel or defamation, protecting our writers and our brand.

The final stage is the editor's review, embodying the ethos and standards of Trading Card Games Rocks. This approval signifies the article meets our high standards, ready to be shared with our audience.

NDAs and Embargoes

Trading Card Games Rocks frequently enters into non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) with game developers, publishers, and distributors. These NDAs specify that we won't reveal certain information about a trading card game before a predetermined date, allowing us to prepare content like news, comprehensive reviews, or guides in advance.

Our opinions on trading card games remain unbiased, regardless of NDAs. Any content influenced by an NDA is clearly disclosed to maintain transparency.


The critics at Trading Card Games Rocks, with extensive experience in trading card games, provide in-depth reviews. Their lifelong passion for the genre enables them to assess the merits and drawbacks of each game, offering valuable insights to our readers.

Our team often gains early access to trading card games, delivering timely reviews. However, we're committed to thorough, thoughtful reviews, regardless of access timing. Our reviews remain unbiased and integral.

We publish 'reviews in progress' for games accessed in parts. Our comprehensive reviews await full game access, ensuring accuracy and depth. We also revisit reviews for major updates or new game expansions that significantly alter the gameplay.

The Review Process

Our editors assign reviews based on writers' expertise in specific trading card games. Ethical standards require writers to disclose potential conflicts of interest. Reviews are scored out of 10, with the final decision resting with the reviewer. Scores reflect the reviewer's opinion at the time of writing, focusing on enjoyment and market comparison.

Content Coverage

Trading Card Games Rocks covers a wide range of content related to trading card games, sourcing information from various credible sources, including game publishers, studios, and distributors. We verify information accuracy and credit original sources or creators.

Speculative Content

Our reporting includes rumors or leaked information about trading card games, clearly marked as speculative. We source such information credibly and add disclaimers for reader awareness.

Corrections and Updates

Trading Card Games Rocks is committed to accuracy and transparency. We promptly correct factual inaccuracies, adding notes detailing corrections. Significant errors are addressed at the article's start.

Content Sponsorship

Trading Card Games Rocks partners with brands for sponsored articles related to trading card games. We maintain transparency, clearly labeling sponsored content. Supported editorial articles are funded by partners but independently written without partner approval. Advertisement features are paid for and approved by commercial partners.

Affiliate Advertising and Deals Standards

Trading Card Games Rocks uses affiliate links for trading card game products, earning a commission on purchases. We also highlight the best deals in trading card games, ensuring our audience has access to great offers without compromising editorial integrity.

User-Generated Content

Trading Card Games Rocks incorporates a comment system, moderated to adhere to our community standards. We encourage respectful, inclusive discussions and have a zero-tolerance policy towards hate speech and harassment.

For any concerns, contact our support team at [email protected].